

The European Paintball Federation is a group of scenario paintballers from across Europe with one main aim:

Help to bring players together from different countries and make international paintball easy for all.

Playing abroad is awesome, and some of the best paintball experiences out there are on the international stage. That's great, but how do individuals, small teams and new players get involved? It can be pretty intimidating.

International paintball is full of great people, cheaper than you think... and most of all: an epic adventure.

Playing in these events is also a minefield. It's much better if you are prepared. There are many simple things that make huge difference, such as: being introduced to generals, knowing what transport options work, and when to show up. Trust us - we've done it right and wrong in games all over Europe.

Paintball has an excellent community in each country, with entire events, friendships and business built on that. When these groups become international, awesome things happen. Local knowledge mixed with international passion is a force to be reckoned with.

Starting in 2024 we want to make it easy for players to do this. We want to give you the best advice, to put you in contact with local teams and most importantly - take the stress out of it all. We're not businesses, we're not event organisers; we're just players who want to bring the community together. No affiliations, no bias, no political agenda... just real world experience and advice to help paintballers.

This site will grow over the year. We'll be translating it in to all languages we can. We'll be adding specific event info and country details such as legal requirements for equipment. Also, there will be local knowledge, and gotchas such as sites having no reception, or only taking local currency cash. We're on it, and the content will be updated and improved on regularly.

It starts now: get involved and let's make international paintball awesome.